Solicitors CPD Series

July 18, 2024
May 15, 2013
min read

39 Park Squares CPD programme for solicitors begins on 29th May 2013 with some exciting developments. We are pleased to be associated with Armstrong Watson, who will be sponsoring the series, not least by hosting the sessions at their Leeds premises. This will allow us a greater degree of space and comfort to deliver a programme of sessions which can provide the full complement of required CPD 'points' for the year. Another change, is the small charge which we will make for the first time. All proceeds will be donated to the Children's Heart Surgery Fund, which supports the Children's Heart Surgery Unit and Paediatric Intensive Care Unit at Leeds General Infirmary. Full details of the series can be found here. Please contact the Clerks to reserve places. The logos of C.H.S.F, Armstrong Watson and 39 Park Square
