Jessica Randell prosecutes repeat offender Gary Whitaker for continually breaching orders imposed by the Court, including a restraining order protecting both his mother and brother.

July 9, 2024
July 26, 2017
min read

Jessica Randell appeared in this matter for the Prosecution.Gary Whitaker, aged 37, was sentenced to 15 months imprisonment by HHJ Phillips QC at Leeds Crown Court. The restraining order is to continue until 2021.Whitaker was subject to two concurrent suspended terms of imprisonment;(i) the first made on the 6th October 2016 for an assault occasioning actual bodily harm on his brother and an offence of assault by beating on his mother (15 months imprisonment suspended for 24 months). A 5 year restraining order was also imposed on this date preventing Whitaker from attending upon the street where his mother lives.(ii) the second was made on the 24/4/17 for offences of theft from shop, possession of a knife, affray and attempt dwelling house burglary with intent to steal (18 months imprisonment suspended for 24 months).In breach of his restraining order, and both suspended terms of imprisonment, Whitaker attended at his mothers home address on the 4th May 2017. Officers attended upon the address and located Whitaker there. He was kicking off at the address and his family members, including the brother protected by the order, had had to telephone for police assistance. The matter came back before HHJ Phillips QC who had been previously sentenced Whitaker to that second suspended term of imprisonment. HHJ Phillips QC confirms that he had, on the 24/4/17, given Whitaker an �exceptional chance when he decided to impose a second concurrent term of suspended imprisonment. HHJ Phillips QC then reiterated that Court orders are there to be observed but Whitaker had yet again failed to do so and would now face an immediate term of imprisonment. Further details of the case can be found hereAbout JessicaJessica acts for both the prosecution and the defence.Her profile can be found here
