
The following are invited to contact the clerks on 0113 2456633 for a quote for our barristers’ services or e-mail

  • Solicitors or other practising lawyers;
  • Licensed Access clients, who may either hold a licence issued by the Bar Standards Board, or be a member of a professional body which has been recognised by the Bar Standards Board; and
  • Members of the public who wish to instruct a barrister under the Public Access scheme.

We will provide you with a quote as soon as possible. We always aim to set out quotes clearly, but if you receive your quote and there is something you do not understand, please contact us.


Barristers in chambers most often charge hourly rates for private criminal and immigration work (where the client is not eligible for legal aid). Barristers in chambers often charge fixed fees private motoring work

Our charges vary, depending on the type of case and the experience of the barrister you instruct. Charges will vary from around £125 to £425 (plus VAT) per hour.  For many cases we can provide a fixed-fee quote which may reduce the hourly rate and offer better value. If we think we can help, we can sometimes offer an initial consultation free of charge.

Many clients worry about the danger of spiralling costs when they instruct a lawyer privately. One of best ways to manage this is to keep in close contact with your solicitors and respond to their communications promptly.

For civil and personal injury matters, our barristers also accept instructions under conditional fee agreements (“no win, no fee” agreements) in certain circumstances. For information, please contact the clerks on 0113 2456633 or e-mail

Before coming to a private fee paying arrangement you may wish to check if you have legal expense insurance. Membership of a trade union or maintenance or certain financial products you have purchased may contain before the event insurance provisions.

The following links may be of assistance.

BSB guidance on after the event insurance
Legal choices


Timescales for a case vary according to a number of different factors. This includes things such as, your availability, availability of your chosen Barrister, the complexity of the case, the amount of papers to review, the need for additional information or documents, the approach taken by the other side and court waiting times.

Talk to our clerks

Our team will be more than happy to deal with your enquiry.