Rob and Adams brace of hung juries in Teesside

July 9, 2024
December 4, 2019
min read

This is not a tale of stellar advocacy or forensic miracles. Just a nice result for a client working closely with our friends at Watson Woodhouse solicitors and an outcome that you don't see every day. A young man (who has given his permission for this article) was charged with dangerous driving following a collision. The injuries on all sides were mercifully slight but the post-accident photos show the forces involved in the collision. The accident occurred on the A19 Southbound at its junction with the A 174. Our client was taking the A 174 slip as was the Jaguar he collided with. Two independent witness saw our client's Golf zigzagging between lanes before the collision occurred. Neither saw the collision. The driver of the Jaguar did not see the manner of driving prior to the collision. Our clients case was that he had in fact been cut up (possibly with a mild impact) by a white Alpha Romeo causing him to lose control. He tried to correct but overdid it causing him to swerve from one side to another. Neither of the independent witnesses could rule this scenario out. Working with Watson Woodhouse Rob Mochrie discovered that there had been no post collision inspection of the vehicles involved (an issue anticipated by a jury question about whether they would hear evidence of paint transfer from the Alfa to the Golf). The OIC admitted that this was because the accident was not serious enough to warrant the cost even though clients father had told him there were white paint scuffs on the bumper of his sons Golf. The officer also admitted that once he realised that the cars actually did need to be examined the cars had been disposed of. Client was tried in July 2019 at Teesside Crown Court and after a four-day trial the jury were unable to reach a verdict. Against judicial influence the Crown sought a retrial and the brief was returned to Adam Walker. There was another four-day trial in November with the jury in deliberation for 1 days. Once again the jury failed to reach a verdict. On this occasion HHJ Sherwin insisted that the Crown indicate, there and then, that there would be no retrial. All charges were dismissed, and we were left with a very happy client

Adam Walker
