Leeds man strangles girlfriend before two-hour standoff with police

July 9, 2024
April 27, 2022
min read

A man who strangled his partner in a drunken rage before locking himself in the house with her and her children has been jailed for three and a half years. At the sentencing hearing on April 19th the prosecutor Emily Jenkins told the court Myers had consumed a large amount of vodka before pinning his partner to her bed and strangling her. One of the victims children called the police having seen what happened. The court heard that once officers arrived, Myers would not allow them in, threatening to stab himself while holding a knife to his own throat. Following a two-hour standoff with officers, police helped one of the children escape out of an upstairs window, Myers then allowed them into the house and he was arrested. Sentencing Myers, Judge Tom Bayliss said: On boxing day you violently assaulter her and damaged her house. She said you have destroyed her family.In the end, your behaviour has caused an impact on her that amounts to serious psychological harm. can read Emily�s bio here

Emily Jenkins
