Mehran Nassiri: 39's latest recruit

July 9, 2024
April 9, 2015
min read

Mehran Nassiri becomes our latest recruit to Chambers. The third in as many months. He joins us from the CPS and is warmly welcomed to our ranks.Mehran joins 39 Park Square with 15 years of experience prosecuting and defending criminal cases.He trained as a lawyer obtaining his law degree as well as a master�s in law, whilst running his own business, before entering a criminal defence practice upon the completion of his training contract.He joined the Crown Prosecution Service by the invitation of then Chief Crown Prosecutor for Yorkshire and Humberside, eventually being recruited to the newly formed Complex Casework Unit, working alongside some of the most experienced lawyers within the service prosecuting complex cases at a national level. He then joined the newly formed Higher Court Advocates team where he began prosecuting exclusively at Crown Courts. He is a grade 3 prosecutor, but brings the experience of successfully prosecuting a number of murder cases and operations involving multiple defendants relating to drugs trafficking, sham marriages and public disorder at a large scale to his new life at the independent bar for the benefit of defence clients also.In his off duty hours Mehran enjoys reading, long distance walking and listening to classical music. He chairs the Local Assembly of the Bahais of Leeds and has been an elected member for over 20 years. He is also an active member of Multi Faith Forum promoting unity and cohesion amongst the faiths groups.
