Martin Robertshaw Secures acquittal in Historic Sex Abuse Case

July 9, 2024
February 8, 2017
min read

R -v- Paul Shields. York Crown Court Martin Robertshaw appeared in this matter for the Defendant. The Defendant was charged with 7 counts of indecent assault following episodes alleged to have occurred over 20 years ago. A Jehovah's Witness since birth, the Defendant was ostracised by Church Elders and shunned by his friends and family following the allegations. During trial, which lasted 6 days, the Defendant was expertly represented by Martin Robertshaw who secured not guilty verdicts for his client in respect of all seven counts. Further details of the case can be found here About Martin Martin is currently Chambers longest serving member. He specialises in criminal defence work and has done for more than 25 years. He is a well respected defence practitioner and has appeared in a wide range of cases including rape, GBH and bank fraud.
