Jessica Randell Secures Suspended Sentence in Indecent Images Case

July 9, 2024
December 14, 2016
min read

R -v- French, Leeds Crown Court Jessica Randell appeared in this matter for the Defendant. The Defendant had uploaded an indecent image to Facebook in December 2015. As a result of intelligence received police raided the Defendant�s home in July 2016 and seized computer equipment which was found to contain 7 indecent images of children at category A, 16 category B images and 44 category C images. As a result of the mitigation put forward by Jessica on the Defendants behalf he avoided an immediate custodial sentence. Further details of the case are reported here R -v- French, Leeds Crown Court Jessica Randell appeared in this matter for the Defendant. The Defendant had uploaded an indecent image to Facebook in December 2015. As a result of intelligence received police raided the Defendants home in July 2016 and seized computer equipment which was found to contain 7 indecent images of children at category A, 16 category B images and 44 category C images. As a result of the mitigation put forward by Jessica on the Defendants behalf he avoided an immediate custodial sentence. Further details of the case are reported here About Jessica Jessica is one of Chamber�s newest tenants. She excelled academically and was awarded the Baron Dr Ver Heyden de Lancey Prize and attained the highest grade in her year at Bar School. Since starting on her feet Jessica has impressed solicitors and lay clients alike with her no-nonsense down to earth approach and her ferocious work ethic. Read more about Jessica here Jessica is one of Chambers newest tenants. She excelled academically and was awarded the Baron Dr Ver Heyden de Lancey Prize and attained the highest grade in her year at Bar School. Since starting on her feet Jessica has impressed solicitors and lay clients alike with her no-nonsense down to earth approach and her ferocious work ethic. Read more about Jessica here Jessica Randell appeared in this matter for the Defendant. The Defendant had uploaded an indecent image to Facebook in December 2015. As a result of intelligence received police raided the Defendant�s home in July 2016 and seized computer equipment which was found to contain 7 indecent images of children at category A, 16 category B images and 44 category C images. As a result of the mitigation put forward by Jessica on the Defendants behalf he avoided an immediate custodial sentence. Further details of the case are reported here About Jessica Jessica is one of Chambers newest tenants. She excelled academically and was awarded the Baron Dr Ver Heyden de Lancey Prize and attained the highest grade in her year at Bar School. Since starting on her feet Jessica has impressed solicitors and lay clients alike with her no-nonsense down to earth approach and her ferocious work ethic. Read more about Jessica here
