Jessica Randell Obtains 5 Year CBO Order against Defendant who assaulted NHS Staff

July 9, 2024
February 20, 2017
min read

R v Asif Khan Bradford Magistrates Court Jessica Randell appeared in this matter for the Prosecution. The Defendant faced three charges from three separate occasions when he had visited Bradford Royal Infirmary and proceeded to physically and verbally abuse staff members. On the first occasion, the 19th day of November 2016, he had sworn at staff in front of visiting members of the public and patients before being asked to leave and had subsequently thrown a punch towards the Ward Manager. The Ward Manager had to be taken to a place of safety whilst the Defendant was ejected from the building. On the 20th day of November 2016, the Defendant visited the Bradford Royal Infirmary again to visit a relative and walked past the second complainant, a staff nurse, and delivered a painful slap to the left hand side of her face whilst she was simply walking down an empty corridor. On the 22nd day of November 2016, the Defendant attended at his relatives ward, shouting and swearing and demanding access before being verbally abusive to staff and patients alike. The Defendant was charged with Common Assault, Assault by Beating and section 4A Public Order Offence, namely causing intentional harassment, alarm or distress. He was sentenced to a total of 21 weeks imprisonment and he was made the subject of a five year Criminal Behaviour Order. This Order will protect members of staff and patients alike at all NHS Foundation Trust Bradford Teaching Hospitals as the Defendant cannot enter the grounds or premises of such except when he is in genuine need of medical attention. Further, he is prohibited from entering any premises from which he is banned or excluded and, finally, prohibited from remaining in any premises when asked to leave. On conviction on indictment, a breach of this Order can result in an immediate 5 year term of imprisonment. Further details of the case are reported here:
