Legal Excellence

Criminal Law

Historically, 39 Park Square has maintained a strong emphasis towards criminal law, and today we can provide advocates at all levels of experience.

Our cross-disciplinary approach allows us to draw on relevant expertise across chambers to provide comprehensive advice and advocacy for all issues relating to criminal justice, including trials, appeals and other legal issues arising from criminal proceedings.

With a group that has both prosecuted and defended in the Magistrates’ and Crown Courts over many years, we have members of chambers who specialise in areas of criminal law including:

  • Murder and manslaughter
  • Serious violence and public disorder
  • Rape and other serious sexual offences
  • Drugs offences
  • Fraud (including corporate fraud, employee fraud, mortgage fraud and money laundering)
  • Firearms law
  • Road traffic and motoring law
  • Trading standards and consumer law
  • Food safety
  • Licensing (both liquor and hackney carriage)
  • Police and prison disciplinary hearings
  • Protective orders and football banning orders

In addition, we have a specialist group of members dealing with all aspects of court martial and military law.

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