Legal Excellence

Court Martial & Military Law

All of our barristers understand the requirements and realities of service life; the structure of the Armed Forces and the chain of command.


Our barristers recognise, above all, the need to gain the trust of the soldier, airman, or marine who may be more used to following orders than giving instructions.

Our Military Law services

We deal with Court Martial and Military Law, including representation at Court Martial and the Courts Martial Appeal Court.

As soon as we are involved we will arrange a meeting so that we can explain what is happening and the timescale of future events. 

We will provide personal mobile phone and email contact details so that any questions can be answered quickly and easily.

We provide:

  • Barristers experienced in service law
  • Barristers who understand service life
  • Representation at Court Martial
  • Reduced fee rates for Armed Forces members where legal aid is not available

Members of the group have successfully dealt with cases involving:

  • Sexual assaults
  • Wounding
  • Violent disorder
  • Serious offences of dishonesty
  • Armed Forces Act offences
  • Absence without leave

Fees, funding and Armed Forces Criminal Legal Aid

If you are granted legal aid, all of our fees are covered by the Armed Forces Criminal Legal Aid Scheme. 

We will never ask you for any form of payment. We will never charge additional amounts for our travel or accommodation, or for additional meetings.

Talk to our clerks

Our team will be more than happy to deal with your enquiry.

Court Martial Barristers

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