Gareth Henderson Moore


Gareth is a criminal specialist with over 20 years experience.

Gareth was admitted as a solicitor in 2003. He specialised in defending police officers in misconduct and criminal prosecutions for 2 years before practicing in general criminal defence. He obtained higher rights in 2010 and regularly appeared in the crown court as a solicitor advocate.

Called to the bar in 2017 Gareth has built a strong practice in both prosecution and defence work, undertaking serious cases on a regular basis.

Gareth is a grade 3 prosecutor.


Reported Cases

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Notable Cases

R v L, H and W
(Prosecution) Led counsel in a multi-handed attempted murder. The case involved the presentation of communications, cell site, ANPR and tracking data, as well as significant disclosure reviews, the handling of witnesses in fear of their safety, contempt of court proceedings, and a number of inter-locutory applications requiring the drafting and presentation of legal argument. All defendants were convicted after trial.
R v B
(Defence) Rape. The Defendant was charged with rape of a stranger and was connected by biological forensic evidence and identification. The Defendant was acquitted of all counts by unanimous verdict.
R v F and H
(Prosecution) Led counsel in a baby shaking case where an infant sustained severe life changing injuries inflicted by a parent. A complex case involving multiple medical experts, as well as forensic telephone evidence, CCTV witnesses of fact.
R v A
(Prosecution) Attempted wounding in a gang related incident involving the use of a car as a weapon.
R v T
(Defence) Successfully defended sports personality in road traffic prosecution, advancing special reasons not to endorse license or disqualify from driving. The outcome was an absolute discharge, no penalty points or disqualification and no financial penalty or costs.
R v W
(Defence) Junior counsel in murder. The Defendant was charged with murder of an elderly man in his own home by stabbing him multiple times.
R v H and Others
(Defence) Multi-handed drugs conspiracy concerning illegal drugs laboratories subject of a national surveillance operation investigating an organised crime group operating from multiple sites.
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Personal Interests