Brian Russell


Former Army Officer, called to the bar in 1998.

LLB Degree and Bar Course (Nottingham) 1994 – 1998.

24 years’ experience defending and prosecuting criminal cases on the North-Eastern and London and South East circuits.

CPS Grade 4 Panel Advocate (General Crime)

CPS Grade 3 Panel Advocate (Fraud)

CPS RASSO Panel Advocate

Accredited Duty Solicitor & Police Station Representative.


Reported Cases

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Notable Cases

R v SD (Leeds 93JD0140423)
Prosecution – Successful prosecution of male administering intoxicating substance to female in nightclub and subsequent kidnap & rape.
R v NW (York 12NY2012923)
Prosecution – Foster carer systematically sexually abusing very young children in his care.
R v RJ (Chelmsford 83IB5365418)
Prosecuting for CPS Serious Fraud Division. Complex fraud case involving over £3 million in evaded tax, theft of credits & offences under the Company Directors Disqualification Act. Document heavy case. D convicted – substantial POCA proceedings now underway.
R v PL (Teesside 17NS0825324)
Defence – Very large-scale class A drugs importation – NCA investigation.
R v LW (Teesside 17SM1118721)
Defence – Encrochat drugs conspiracy.
R v R-H, M & Others (Leeds 86IP5214917)
Prosecution. Multi-handed fraud trial defended by KC. Company operating beyond VAT threshold but not paying VAT or PAYE.
R v AB & R v KJ (Teesside 17SM0799924 & 11DD0645823)
Defence. Currently defending in murder trial (Stabbing in Bishop Auckland) and attempted murder (group alleged to have used firearms and a vehicle to attack victim).
R v HS & AF (Hull 16XS1092820)
Prosecution. Large scale class A drugs supply conspiracy & Modern Slavery case involving “cuckooing” vulnerable adult and recruiting 2 young boys to act as drug runners. Relatively complex presentation involving 200 page timeline, cell site analysis, mobile phone downloads, ANPR & CCTV evidence. Case has raised numerous disclosure issues upon which I have advised.
R v KB (Teesside 17NS0069624)
Defence – Youth sentencing issues & grave crime. 17 year old caused serious knife wound to his father.
R v AA
(Bradford 13CD0205122) Prosecution – Sexual abuse of a psychiatric hospital in-patient by member of staff. Capacity & consent issues.
R v QH
(Leeds 13XC000922) Prosecution – Causing Death by Dangerous Driving. Elderly man knocked down and killed on a pedestrian crossing. Driver alleged to be speeding and using a mobile phone. Accident reconstruction and mobile phone billing expert evidence. KC defends.
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Personal Interests

Tennis, Guitar, Piano, Walking, Bourbon & Live Music.